Wednesday, October 17, 2007

No Lucy Lu progress so far...

I have just been running ragged this week. Tuesday afternoon I got a piece of code at work to, well, work :) And this is the first automation code that we are writing for the new product. With the help of my team lead, we now have code that does one very small thing, but it is a HUGE victory. So, needless to say Monday night I was playing around with it.

Today, I went into the office and found out that there was a big party in the afternoon. Right when I was supposed to meet my new manager and team lead (in person). It was cool, but had I known that there was a party, I wouldn't have gone because I wanted to spend the time at the office with people doing work. But it was nice to have a glass of wine and a burger with people I haven't seen in a while. And get a free t-shirt!! That always helps!

Tonight for dinner I made this A-MAZ-ING!!! soup I saw last Friday night on "Good Eats" (I luv Alton Brown!) It's called the Garden Vegtable Soup. There were a few things I did differently:
1. Instead of regular chicken broth, I found chicken broth with lemon and herbs in it. So I used 2 cups of that, and the other 6 cups of plain chicken broth.
2. Added in some lemon zest - just a couple of swipes with the grater.
3. Didn't add the potatoes (for my own reasons - I am having a really hard time with carbs in general with this medicine I am taking)
4. Added some pieces of leftover roast chicken to the bottom of the bowl and pour the soup on top. It heats it right up.
5. Added a pinch of leftover parmesean cheese to the top - adds a bit more salt, and so tasty!
BAM! What a fantastic soup!! I could eat the whole pot. But I won't because I want to have this for lunch and dinner for the rest of the week. I need to find out if I can freeze this...

Back to knitting news...since I have been crazy busy this week, I haven't taken the time to map out my plan for Lucy Lu. And after realizing that my terribly long list of UFOs is growing, I've made a decision to finish this before moving on. I am almost done, after all!

I sent my Ravelry FiberFlix swap package out to Kelly last Friday. She should have gotten it today. I hope she likes it!

The Ravelry Scorpio Birthday swap package for Laura is *almost* finished. Just one more thing to add :)

OK, I'm going back for a little more broth :) See ya lata!

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